Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Streisand Effect

Well, it seems that Symantec are done posting information for today, and there is not much to report aside from the fact that many posters seem to be wary now of how badly Symantec has dropped the ball, and have decided to put their trust into a different Antivirus suite. I'd like to mention, anyway, that I am in no way a conspiracy theorist, and I am not necessarily searching for problems in what Symantec does. I am merely looking for the truth, and the things I find happen to be negative. For those who aren't yet informed, feel free to read from the first post onward. It's titled Pifts.exe :P.

1 comment:

  1. If it can be proven that this file is indeed datamining, users effected should pursue a class action law suit.
